Had fun yesterday...but was also very unlucky.My stomach did not feel too well and I only started eating like less than 5 min ago...so did not eat much either...then after like ages have past, when it started feeling better and after all those "jing(4) cha(2)" ceremony + cleaning up of the place, I got pricked in my toe by some stupid toothpick "standing" right up on the carpet!My toe bled!Yah...that was yesterday...however also had fun with my friends, juniors and seniors!Oh...and I also want to thank my Tan Bo seniors, especially Rachel Tan and Soh Woon, for ever being so supporting and not giving up on us!Thanks so much!To all seniors wish you all the best for your O' Level examinations!JIA YOU!0(^_^)0
Anyway, today is Jinni's birthday and I wish her a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!However, I would also like to say I am sorry for not being able to give her her birthday present with Yu Jun and Lay Hong.SORRY!HOPE YOU HAVE A PLEASENT BIRTHDAY!!